# Content

Build, test, and deploy .NET Core apps

By Abel Wang , published on 5/6/2020

Use .NET Core to build apps with Azure Pipelines, Azure DevOps, & Team Foundation Server

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Creating Generative Art using GANs on Azure ML

By Dmitry Soshnikov , published on 3/6/2020

How you can train GANs on pictures of flowers and portraits. This technical post should be first, because the AI Art challenge would depend on it.

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开始 Azure 机器学习的最佳方式

By Dmitry Soshnikov , published on 1/27/2020

Dmitry最近发现了一种如何更有效地开始使用Azure ML的方法。

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The Secret Art of Debugging

By Jeremy Likness , published on 1/24/2020

Generic piece about approaching debugging that is relevant for any language or platform.

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How to Reduce the Costs of your Azure IaaS VMs

By Thomas Maurer , published on 1/23/2020

This blog post is focused on helping you saving money by reducing the costs when you are using Azure IaaS virtual machines (VM). Some of the tips here will help everyone out there.

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How to use GitHub Actions to deploy a virtual machine

By Sarah Lean , published on 1/22/2020

Instructional blog that helps the non-developer community deploy Azure resources using GitHub Actions.

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A Modern Developer's Workflow For Twine

By Em Lazer-Walker , published on 1/16/2020

This is an article about my flow for how I use modern web development tools to write and publish my games (VS Code + extensions, a CLI compiler, GitHub Actions + GitHub pages for CI/CD), rather than just using the default editor. It also ends up being a sort of intro to both GH Actions and the concept of CI for people who have likely never been exposed to it.

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How to learn Microsoft Azure in 2020

By Thomas Maurer , published on 12/27/2019

2019 is over, and usually, we take the time to find some resolutions for the new year. Why not take all that energy and prepare for the cloud computing era and advance your career by learning Microsoft Azure? In this post, Thomas gives you a quick look at how you can get started learning about Azure, whether you are a beginner or already advanced, technical or business-oriented.

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Getting Started With AzureML Notebook VMs

By Ari Bornstein , published on 12/24/2019

Azure Machine Learning (AML), a cloud-based environment you can use to train, deploy, automate, manage, and track ML models. In the following tutorial we will walk through how to set up an Azure Notebook VM.

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Deploying Java EE apps to Azure: Part 3

By Abhishek Gupta , published on 12/11/2019

This is the final blog in a series of posts that explore different options for running Java EE workloads on Azure. In this part, we will run the Java EE app on a Kubernetes cluster in Azure.

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部署 Java EE 应用到 Azure: 第 2 部分

By Abhishek Gupta , published on 12/6/2019

这是系列文章中的第二篇博客,它将带您逐步了解在 Azure 上运行 Java EE 应用程序的选项。 在这一部分中,我们将 Java EE 应用程序作为 Azure 容器实例上的 Docker 容器运行。

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Managing security with Azure Lighthouse and Azure Arc

By Sonia Cuff , published on 11/26/2019

ITOpsTalk blog article for IT Operations on a scenario of how the Azure Lighthouse and Azure Arc products can monitor the security (Azure Policy compliance, Azure Security Centre and Secure Score) of multiple tenants and how adding Azure Arc to the mix then includes on-prem and other-Cloud resources in those management blades. No video demo but lots of screenshots.

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如何使用 AZCOPY 同步 Azure Blob 存储

By Thomas Maurer , published on 11/26/2019

几个月前,我写了一篇关于如何使用 AzCopy 同步文件到 Azure Blob 存储的博客。今天针对我在 GitHub上使用 AzCopy 的一个问题,有了一个激动人心的更新。这意味着您现在可以使用 AzCopy 从 Azure Blob 到 Azure Blob。

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部署 Java EE 应用到 Azure: 第 1 部分

By Abhishek Gupta , published on 11/21/2019

这是一系列博客的第一篇,它将引导您逐步了解在Azure上运行Java EE应用程序的一种选择。 我们将采用最基本的方法将Java EE应用程序部署到在Microsoft Azure上的虚拟机中设置的应用程序服务器上,并将Azure Database for PostgreSQL服务作为后端数据库。 本质上,这是IaaS(Azure VM)与PaaS(Azure上的托管PostgreSQL)的组合。

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在Logic App中使用内联脚本获取最新的数组项

By Justin Yoo , published on 11/14/2019

这篇文章展示了如何使用内联JavaScript代码操作在Logic App工作流中执行数组排序,并讨论了考虑使用此操作的方法。 读者将学习如何在Logic App工作流中使用纯JavaScript代码进行数组排序,并了解成本隐含及其对使用的影响。

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What I Learned About Azure Arc and Other Services at Microsoft Ignite 2019

By Thomas Maurer , published on 11/14/2019

Microsoft Ignite 2019 conference was a lot of fun! Our team was able not just to deliver content in breakout sessions, learning path session as well as on the Microsoft Ignite Live stage, we also used the time to speak and especially listen to our customers and communities. Here is what Thomas learned at Microsoft Ignite 2019 about Azure Hybrid Cloud with Azure Arc, Azure Stack and much more!

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Create Your First Model with Custom Vision and Python

By Henk Boelman , published on 10/8/2019

This article is part of the AI for Developer series that teaches you tips and tricks around Azure AI services. In this first article you learn how to create a classification model using the Custom Vision service with the Python SDK.

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9 Advanced Tips for Production Machine Learning

By Ari Bornstein , published on 9/13/2019

Incorporating a new state of the art machine learning model into a production application is a rewarding yet often frustrating experience. The following post provides tips for production Machine Learning, with examples using the Azure Machine Learning Service.

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Manage multiple Azure tenancies with Azure Lighthouse

By Sonia Cuff , published on 9/3/2019

If you’ve explored the management capabilities inside Microsoft Azure, you’ll know there are a bunch of tools to help you manage and monitor your Azure resources and keep them compliant.

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